that's easy for everyone

Circulr Reusable Jars

2024: A Year of Reuse and Sustainability Innovations

As 2024 winds down, it’s time to look back at the year when sustainability truly stole the spotlight. From jaw-dropping innovations to inspiring real-world examples, this year was all about ditching throwaway culture and embracing planet-friendly practices. Reuse systems aren’t just the future—they’re happening right now, and they’re making waves. Let’s recap some of 2024’s […]

The Environmental Cost of Overconsumption During Black Friday

Black Friday: the day we stuff our digital carts like it’s Thanksgiving dinner, except the leftovers here are buyer’s remorse and a heaping pile of waste. Sure, snagging a deal feels great in the moment—but have you ever wondered about the bigger picture? What happens to all those “too good to pass up” products we […]

The Environmental Impact of Wine Bottles

Wine bottles have long been a hallmark of elegance and tradition, but their environmental impact is something that often goes overlooked. The energy required to produce and transport glass bottles—whether large or small—creates a carbon footprint that is increasingly hard to ignore in a sustainability-conscious world. While weight does play a role in the overall […]

The Harmful Effects Of Plastic

plastic waste in the environment

Plastic is everywhere in todays world. Unfortuntatly, most people are unaware of the serious health and envirnmental issues plastic causes

The Problems With Recycling

recycling bin

Today is World Recycling Day and in the lead-up to this day, we were looking for some exciting and uplifting statistics to share in the celebration of recycling. However, after much research we decided that there was a larger conversation to be had about recycling; a conversation about its current state, flaws, and how we […]

The Environmental Benefits of Reuse

You often hear that a reuse system can pave the way to a more sustainable future, and that is true. In today’s article, we hope to explain why this is the case, and also show some of the nuances behind reuse. Natural Environment Focus Areas Upon the creation of any new item, there is an […]

Building a Circular Economy Lifestyle

Circular Economy explination

Following a linear path, single-use products fail to provide longevity and sustainability while also contributing to waste buildup. Reuse models, like Circulr, work to reshape our perception and relationship with common consumer products. By rethinking the linear economy, we can shape a circular economy together.  What is the Circular Economy? I’m glad you asked! The […]

Beer Paves the Way – Circular Economy Packaging

circulr economy packaging

How Beer Paves The Way For Circular Economy Packaging If you live in Ontario, like many during these extended pandemic lockdowns, you may have found your pile of empties to return to the beer store stacking up a little quicker than usual. And with not much else to do, returning your empties may have become […]