Reuse Benefits for Consumers
Reuse Program
for consumers

Why Use Circulr?
Participating in Circulr is one of the easiest ways to play a part in the circular economy. By returning packaging through the Circulr system you can keep it out of landfills and in circulation for longer.
I discovered Circulr a couple of years ago through the zero waste community in Toronto. I have been impressed with their level of accessibility and ability to communicate with the community and their partners. It is inspiring to see an initiative that has such genuine concern for the environment and a passion for helping businesses and individuals support the crucially important circular economy.
Karen J. - Reuse Pro
Top Four Benefits of our Reuse Model:
Reduced Climate Impacts:
Creating a singe new glass jar can create more than 500g of CO2 emissions, with global glass production creating 86 Million tons of emissions every year. Every time you return a jar through Circulr you prevent another jar from being created.
Transparency in Sustainability:
By participating in reuse you're joining a transparent system in which you know exactly what happens to your packaging once you're done with it. This keeps us and our partners accountable to you!
Earn Through Reuse:
Because packaging is a valuable asset, you should be rewarded for returning it. That's why Circulr products offer cash deposits (minimum $0.10 per each accepted item) and reward points each time you return an item.
Keeping Jobs in the Community:
Rather than recycling your packaging, which in the best case results in recyclate being shipped all over the world for repurposing, all of Circulr's packaging is handled locally. Keeping valuable resources and jobs in our communities.
Participating Brands
Get Rewarded with the Circulr App!
The Circulr Network
You can return all of our Circulr enabled packaging to any collection site within the Circulr network. We’re adding to our collection network all the time so make sure to check back regularly for new sites in your area!
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Circulr takes special care to ensure our process is sanitary and safe. All of the packaging returned to our bins is washed and sanitized in order to ensure any germs or bacteria are removed. Once the containers are clean they are packaged and sealed before being shipped back to the supplier for reuse. Contact us for more information.